A one day deep dive into a brands ‘why’. Through a process developed by Pocket Rocket over a number of years, we help our customers to explore the golden opportunities within their business that may otherwise lie undiscovered. 

In order to re-imagine our service we must first find the ‘gold’ - who are we, what do we do, why do we do it and how are we different? By answering these questions we can find our purpose, align our teams, and tell customers our story with greater confidence and clarity. 

Contact us to find out more


Designed to identify and layer individual personality traits over business values, DISCO creates a strong structure for success. Building alignment and working to the same values is vital for growth in any business, and taking on board the importance of developing the human experience within the workplace, is an area that we have identified as a key driver for success.

The fundamental elements for our DISCO workshop are as follows;

D - Deliver (how your team activates your business values)

I - Inspire (how your values influence decision making)

S - Success (what does this look like through your values)

C - Collaboration (how your values align with potential partners)

O - Organisation (how your values underpin the entire business)

This fun filled, disco led, one day workshop has teams singing and dancing to the same tunes!

Contact Us to find out more

Let’s Work Together

We’re always looking for new opportunities and are comfortable working internationally. Please get in touch and we will contact you for a conversation.